Monday, February 15, 2010

A couple of cute things...

So there are 2 new and cute things Logan has been doing in the last couple of days. The first involves his name. We have alphabet refridgerator magnets that he likes to play with. His name is spelled out for him, so the other day, we were sitting in front of the fridge, playing with them and I pointed out the letters in his name, saying them out loud as I went, then pointing to him. "L-O-G-A-N...that's you!" (then I would point to his chest). So now when you spell out his name, he jerks a thumb to his chest a couple of times like he's the funny!

The other thing involves pictures. We have a lot of pictures of ourselves and family up on our dining room walls. He looooooves to be picked up and for whoever is doing it to say the subject's names when he points to them. He recognizes all of his immediate family members on sight, of course. But the other day we were playing this picture game and I decided to point out my dad and say "That's your other Grandpa, even though you won't get to meet him". Now when he points at Jon's dad and you say "Grandpa", he then reaches up and points at my dad too. Oh boy, talk about sweet! :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Holiday wrap up!

Again, here I am with the slacking. Oh well, busy, busy, busy! Christmas was a lot of fun. We did Christmas Eve at our house and Logan really enjoyed opening his presents! Of course, he liked the paper alot more, but once that was in the garbage, he played with everything and seems to like it all so far. He was spoiled, but I think being the only grandchild around, he's gonna be! We saw "Avatar" in 3D that night as well...really good movie! The next day we ate dinner at Jon's parent's house, then saw "Sherlock Holmes"...also a fun one! We were missing Sam (in Italy) and Sara (in Japan) though, but luckily they were home in time for the New Year.

Sam brought his girlfriend Jess home to meet us (finally!). She's from Milan and super-nice. Right now they're both going to grad school in Rome, so this is the first time they've been back since starting the semester. They seem really happy together and I think Jess is good for Sam. Sara had a great time in Japan (as usual)! This was her third (I think) trip there, so she knows her way around. Maybe Jon and I will get there someday!

Logan had his 15 month-old check-up this past Friday. He's 28 lbs and 33 inches tall, which is 75th percentile for both. Getting over a cold now, but other than that, healthy as a kid could be. The pedi said he was "perfect" and that she would see us in 3 months. He got 2 shots, but was over them pretty quickly.

Jon and I had to get a new camera because ours actually died on Christmas Eve (perfect timing!), so I should be getting some pictures up on Facebook once we get the hang of it. It's more technical than the old one, but is supposed to be a very good camera for the price. Three great features for me: low-light pics, action shots, and a rechargable battery!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


I feel like I've been severely slackin' on my blog lately. We had a really great Thanksgiving...Logan enjoyed his first one as a big boy very much! We had the whole family over and ate and ate and ate! He is definitely a fan of turkey, although we knew that before Thursday, lol!

Jon's "Shadow's Son" trilogy has sold in yet another country...welcome aboard, Czech Republic! Including the U.S., that's 5, count 'em...5 countries and counting (hopefully)!!

Logan is practically running at this point...boy, that sure didn't take him long. He's been stacking his blocks and putting legos together, not to mention playing some serious ball and vrooming his trucks around! He absolutely loves to read. He'll grab a book and plop on your lap just about any time of the day and also goes through his huge collection and "reads" to himself as well! Let's hope it sticks with him, as it did Jon and me. He also loves being outside...too bad we're getting into the cold weather now, but Jon and I were already talking about getting him a snowsuit so he can keep active during the winter. We've signed him up for a free Gymboree class this coming Thursday, so if he likes that, we'll throw that in the mix as well.

I guess that's about all for now. Keeping our fingers crossed and good thoughts going out to my Grandma, who is in the hospital right now. She's doing better and is due out tomorrow, but still...I worry about her. Get well soon, Gram!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

World Fantasy, 2009

So Jon and I finally got to go to San Jose, CA to the World Fantasy Convention! We left on Thursday morning from Philly and after an eventless flight, arrived around 12:30 West Coast time. The Fairmont was absolutely gorgeous! I of the line hotel. We had a suite, which was so nice to be able to spread out and have some room for those few days.

Not long after we got there, we registered, poked around for a few minutes, then got a cab and headed over to the Winchester Mystery House, which has been on my "hope to see someday" list since I was a kid! It was a really good tour, two actually. One of the house, in which we got to see 110 of the 160 rooms, then a behind-the-scenes one where we got to see the outbuildings and the basement, things like that. Boy, she was one big wackjob, but also a generous employer and philanthropist, so you can't say anything bad about the woman.

On Friday, Jon had a podcast interview that went really well and Jonathan, the interviewer, was very nice. He took us out to lunch afterward. Jon went to a few seminars while I read and napped in the room. The time difference really wiped me out (it always does), and I never really got to sleep in like I hoped! That night, we went out to dinner with Jon's British publisher, who brought along some very cool and interesting fellow Brits (writers, mostly) and we laughed and ate for a long time.

Saturday, we met our cousins from Anaheim, Don & Sandy, who came up special to see us and their writer pal, Tim Powers, who was also there. We had lunch, and while Jon went to a few seminars and a meeting with his agents, they were nice enough to keep me company in the lounge. It was great getting to see them again and catch up. They are one cool couple! That night, we went out to dinner with Jon's agents and some of the other JABberwocky crew, which was alot of fun! We hung out in the lounge for awhile after that, but headed up to the room at a decent hour so we could get up for our 6:30am flight back home.

After a verrrrrrry long day (nothing like having those 3 hours dumped back on you only days after losing them), we finally got home around 8:30pm. I was very good while we were away and only called hime once a day for a few minutes! Mom gave us the final update and headed home. She was awesome and we were so glad to have her be able to take care of Logan while we were gone. She got some help from Jon's family too, so big thanks to everybody! I don't even think he realized we weren't around, lol!

It was awful nice seeing him on Monday morning...we missed him so much! He was a very good boy though and is walking so well! You wouldn't think 4 days would make such a difference, but he is a pro now! And making more and more sounds...Mom said she thinks he even said "bye-bye" once, although we haven't reproduced it yet.

All in all, it was a great trip. We'll have to do it again sometime, pending Mom's approval, hehe! :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Travelin' man...

That's our Logan! He's spent more time walking than crawling these past couple of gotta love those staggery steps he takes across the kitchen floor! We're still trying to get some decent footage on video before he gets much better, otherwise we'll lose those beginner-type steps. I got some yesterday, but we'll work on getting more. Although once you put sneakers on him it's a whole new ballgame! They're pretty light, but he still gets a bit clunkier when he has them on. Walking with shoes will take even more practice! :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

October madness!

So we had Jon's birthday Sunday, Dad's would have been Tuesday (love you, Dad!), mine was Wednesday, and Mary's was today! We all went out to dinner at Damon's tonight, where Jon and I got lots of awesome gift cards to restaurants, movies, and babysitting services! Jon also got me an external hard drive so I could back all of our pictures up in case the old dinosaur here ever decides to spontaneously combust.

Logan is walking more and more! I can't wait until he's at it full time...I know mobility comes with its own set of headaches, but it also makes him a little more portable! He's feeding himself with a fork too. He's still working on the logistics of the spoon, but the fork is definitely mastered!

Jon and I are off to California in 2 weeks! I'm so looking forward to our first mini-vaca since Logan was born, but we'll miss the 'lil guy like crazy too. My mom and his parents are tag-teaming watching Logan for us. Hopefully everything goes well (on both coasts!).

Monday, October 5, 2009

Jon news

As far as Jon's publishing saga goes, more good news! France bought the entire trilogy and according to Jon's agent, this deal is tied for the biggest one JABberwocky's ever cut over there! That's so amazing! So now we have "the big three" locked down...the UK, Germany, and France. Jon tells me that the Czech Republic has a few houses interested, so they're going to hold an auction...rights go to the highest bidder!